Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Various cupcakes

The following are a bunch of cupcakes that I made last night to take to work. My co-workers enjoyed these very much!!! My goal was to bring a smile to their faces, and I believe I succeeded.


  1. Leelee, these are sooo adorable. I almost feel like not eating them (ALMOST being the magic word. LOL). I know you thought of me with the ladybug one. hahahaha

    I'm here frosting my cake for tomorrow's class. I wanna be like you. when I grow up hahahahaha

  2. Ay thank you!!! I made these last night because everyone at work was a bit down with funding cuts and such, so, me puse de loca a hacer cupcakes y a hacer munequitos (my favorite part). Can you believe that almost everyone took the top off and took it home? Nadie se quizo comer los munequitos. Les dije, next time I'll make regular cupcakes!

  3. I love your beautiful works of art!

    If I ever get married, you're the one i'm calling for the cake ;-)

  4. I adore those owl cupcakes!
