Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mod Mom Baby Shower Cake

This cake was made for a baby shower. It serves 30 poeple. Very simple square cake decorated in two shades of green and circles, all MMF. The cake topper is a cookie that I created and decorated.

Mod Mom Cookie on a stick

This is a cookie on a stick I made for a baby shower to be the topper for a cake. I used a graphic and carefully cut the cookie, then I made the details in MMF. This is where my drawing and modeling skills came in handy! These can also be made as party favors for a baby shower and wrapped in a cellophane bag wuth a nice ribbon or in a cute box.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Butterfly 1st birthday Cake

This cake was made for a friend"s daughter's b-day! All vanilla covered with MMF. For 40 people. It's funny, I had said I was only going to be baking no more than a cake a week because this is something that requires time to achieve a professional looking piece and I work full time, but as of lately I have been bombarded with orders that I cannot refuse. What I love the most is that my daughters have shown interest in helping me and they are both very talented and have the same sense of perfectionism that to me is crucial. I consider my self being very blessed!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Hello Kitty cookies on a stick

Made for a friends bridal shower, but they work as well for a little girls party.

Hello Kitty Bridal Shower Cake

This cake was made for a bridal shower, but it works for a little girls birthday as well.

Engagement Cake

This cake I made in conjunction with my friend, Danly for her niece. It's a rum cake with MMF decorations. The ring was made with gumpaste and colored with silver dust diluted in vodka.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cupcake for a book lover

Super cute cupcakes for a wonderful lady that loves to read a good book.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mickey's Playhouse Cake

The head, ears hand, arm and shoe are all made of rice crispy treats. The playhouse is (red part) is also cake. Everything is covered in MMF.

Starbucks Cake

This is a cake I made for someone that loves Starbucks/ The flavor of this cake is Capuccino, a new recipe I created. People that I gave it to taste absolutely loved it! The cake is made with 2 6 in tiers and an 8 inch that I carved to give it a tapered look. it's stocky because the size this person drinks is the tall (small). Coverd in mocha flavored buttercream and then covered in Fondant including the logo.